Glycemic Diet Software, LLC Приложения

Diabetes Meal Planner 1.0
In the recently conducted United StatesSurgeon General’s Healthy Apps Challenge, the Diabetes Meal Plannerwas selected as one of the top 5 healthy mobile applications forDiabetes. The Diabetes Meal Planner software calculates the overallGlycemic Index (GI) and Glycemic Load (GL) for individual meals andfor the entire day to help build a healthy diet for:• diabetes• weight loss• sports performanceIt also provides:• carbohydrate• calorie• protein• fat analysis• future meal planningfor food items by meal and day.
There is a Product Tour available Glycemic Index - a measure of carbohydrate quality based on howquickly food raises blood glucose (blood sugar) levels - is adietary key to health, say the authors of The New GlucoseRevolution. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion andabsorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulinlevels, and have proven benefits for health. 

The Glycemic Indexis highly recommended by Atkins, Fat Flush, and South Beachdiets.A method of saving historical full meal information for futureaccess allows easy reconstruction of the user's typical meals. Oncethese favorites are built, it is an easy matter to build a newday’s meal plan, including the ability to modify each favorite fortoday. 
Meal planning can be done for the next week. The software alsoprovides a complete history of previous day’s meals to ease currentday planning.It is important to understand that the Glycemic Index of a fooditem involves human testing of at least ten people on a restricteddiet eating fairly large quantities of the food item and havingtheir blood sugar tested over a period of time. It cannot bedetermined by simple chemical testing.
MobiFit: Fitness Tracker 1.0
The MobiFit Fitness Tracker is designedforindividuals from the novice to serious bodybuilders tracktheirfitness routines. No more carrying around the notepads andpencilsin the gym or out on the track, but with a couple taps tothesmartphone you can add this information. No more fumblingthroughpages, stabbing yourself with your pencil while working out,andeasily access your previous exercises through the database onyourphone. Also, you are able to add any of your own customexercisesand add them to the exercise already available. We atMobiFit arecontinuing to add more exercises and workouts as weupdate ourproduct.**Also check out what is up and coming with our MobiFit line ofdietand exercise mobile apps.